What is C-TRAN 2045?

C-TRAN 2045 is a long-range transit plan that will help chart the future of public transportation in Clark County during the next 20 years. The goal is to create a plan that meets the community’s evolving needs and provides expanded, reliable transportation options. Creating the plan will be a collaborative process involving the voices of transit riders and non-riders, community stakeholders and others.

Why do a long-range plan? What’s in it?

A long-range plan is intended to capture the community’s collective vision and goals for public transportation in our region. It serves as a guiding document that will inform C-TRAN’s future projects and priorities, including route changes, capital projects and service investments.

Doesn’t C-TRAN already have a long-range plan?

Yes. C-TRAN’s current long-range plan, known as C-TRAN 2030, was originally adopted in 2010 and then updated in 2016. Since that time, many of the major projects and priorities identified in that document have been completed. Some conditions have changed. 2030 isn’t so far into the future anymore, so it’s a good time to revisit C-TRAN’s vision for the next two decades.

Who approves the final plan?

Based on what we hear from the community and other partners, C-TRAN staff will create a draft long-range transit plan. The final plan will be approved by the C-TRAN Board of Directors.



The C-TRAN 2045 project kicked off in earnest in January 2024. The final plan is expected to be complete in 2025.

What if something changes after the plan is adopted?

Any long-range plan, including this one, is intended to be a guiding document. It’s not carved in stone. We know that things will change during the next two decades, but having a long-range plan in place helps C-TRAN adapt to those changes while still keeping our community’s overall vision in mind. We can’t predict the future, but we can identify together where we want to be in 20 years—that’s what this process will do.

Will there be other chances to provide comments?

Yes. Even after the long-range plan is adopted, any future route changes or projects will still go through the same public process that they do now before final approval.

How do I participate?

There are numerous ways to weigh in. Anyone can email their comments to 2045@c-tran.com any time during the process, or use the online comment form on the C-TRAN 2045 website. C-TRAN will also hold in-person open house meetings or feedback opportunities in every jurisdiction we serve in Clark County. Virtual open house meetings and surveys will also be part of the outreach process.Outreach may include specific questions and prompts at different points during the process. But if you’ve got other ideas or suggestions, those are fair game, too. Public input is a crucial part of shaping a long-range plan that truly reflects our community.