Snow and Ice Safety
During inclement weather, all C-TRAN routes will likely be delayed. Please plan ahead and remember these important safety tips before venturing out:
- Wear extra warm clothing. Buses may be delayed or your snow route may require a longer walk than usual to reach the closest stop.
- Wear or carry something reflective so your driver can see you. Consider using a flashlight to make yourself more visible.
- Stay on the curb. Buses may slide before coming to a complete stop.
- SafeStop—during inclement weather, passengers may request a stop anywhere along their route as safety allows.
Designated Snow Routes
The following routes may be on designated snow routes during inclement weather:
For complete route detour and suspension information, download a PDF of C-TRAN's most recent Snow & Ice Brochure, plus get some helpful tips for planning your trip during bad weather.
Brochures are also available on your bus or from the C-TRAN Customer Service Office at Vancouver Mall Transit Center. For questions or trip planning assistance, please call 360-695-0123.
Using The Vine During Adverse Weather Events
During adverse conditions, The Vine may be served by regular 40-foot buses. Look for the signs shown below near each Vine station to indicate where you should wait for your bus to arrive.