C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee
C-TRAN’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CCAC) is comprised of volunteers who represent a broad spectrum of C-TRAN riders and stakeholder groups within the C-TRAN service and taxing boundary. The committee meets monthly to advise the C-TRAN Board of Directors on transit and paratransit policies, programs, plans, and other related issues to help improve transit service for our region. More information can be found in the committee's bylaws.
CCAC members can serve up to two, 2-year terms (for a total of four consecutive years). Members must be willing to meet one evening per month for up to two hours. CCAC members also receive a free bus pass for as long as they serve on the committee. We do not have any open positions as of October 25, 2024. If you’re interested in becoming a member in the future, please print and complete this application, then email it or mail it to the address listed.
Jared Miller-Price At-Large Representative
Vinod Seenivasan At-Large Representative
Betty Fitzpatrick At-Large Representative
Mike McQueen Bi-State Commuter Representative
Corey Grandstaff Business Community Representative
Chris Higley C-VAN Rider Representative
Judy Tiffany Deaf/Hard of Hearing Representative
Zak Fernandez Developmentally Disabled Rider Representative
Josh Speiss Environmental Community Representative
Debbie Thompson Fixed Route Rider Representative
Sara Hitchcock Low Income/Social Services Representative
Doug Trimble School System Representative
Cassandra Miller Senior Citizen Representative
Austin Newton Student/Youth Rider Representative
Bob Cavanaugh Blind/Low Vision Representative
Have an issue or idea you'd like to share with C-TRAN? Contact your CCAC representative.
Attend a Meeting
The CCAC meets on the last Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m., with the exception of October and November 2024. The October meeting will be on October 24th and the November meeting will be on November 21st.
CCAC meetings are held at C-TRAN's administrative offices, 10600 N.E. 51st Circle, Vancouver. A virtual option is also available. Agendas and meeting links will be posted to this page in advance of each meeting, which are open to the public.