C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee Bylaws
(Revised July 2023)
Mission Statement
The mission of the C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee (CCAC) is to act as a liaison between the community and the C-TRAN Board of Directors and staff.
Advisory Committee Responsibilities
The role of the C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee is to advise the C‑TRAN Board and C‑TRAN staff members on transit and paratransit policies, programs, plans, and other related issues.
- Advise and assist the C-TRAN Board of Directors and staff in the development and application of transit- and paratransit-related programs, policies, and services.
- Act as a forum to review specific service problems under existing contracts and agreements and make recommendations to the C-TRAN Board of Directors relating to both paratransit and fixed route transit service for people with disabilities.
- Act as a focused, educated form of public input and feedback between the organization and the community.
- Represent the interests of the community, assist staff and the Board of Directors in making the region proud of its public transportaton system.
Scope of Work
- Look at the future transportation needs of the community.
- Review and make recommendations to staff and the Board regarding C-TRAN programs, policies, and services.
Membership Composition
- The CCAC shall be composed of no more than 15 members appointed by the C‑TRAN Board of Directors. Membership shall reflect C-TRAN’s service area and strive for broad, inclusive, regional, and diverse representation from membership-based organizations to increase the reach and effectiveness of its purpose. The following list represents groups from which participation should be sought but not limited to:
Voting Representatives(Maximum number of members - 15)- Bi-state commuter representative
- Business community representative
- Community-at-large representative
- Community-at-large representative
- Community-at-large representative
- C-VAN rider representative
- Deaf/hard of hearing representative
- Developmentally disabled rider representative
- Environmental community representative
- Fixed-route rider representative
- Low-income/social services representative
- School system representative
- Senior citizen representative
- Student/youth rider representative
- Blind/low-vision representative
- Nominations to the CCAC may be made by citizens living within the boundaries of the C-TRAN service area, CCAC members, and C-TRAN staff. Individuals nominated must also live and/or work within the C-TRAN service area. Nominations for vacancies are to be held prior to the expiration of the Committee member's term. Selections will be made through an application process.
- Members of the CCAC shall serve in that capacity for a term of 24 months, unless extended by the Chief Executive Officer due to an emergency. Upon completion of the 24-month term, the Committee may again nominate those members currently serving; however, membership on the CCAC may not exceed 48 consecutive months (two consecutive terms), unless extended by the Chief Executive Officer due to an emergency. A former Committee member may be nominated and recommended for an additional term a minmum of 24 months after their prior term has ended. Terms will last from January through December ofthe following year. Nominations are to be held prior to the expiration of the Committee member's term and confirmed by the C-TRAN Board of Directors. In the event of a vacancy in the middle of a Committee member's term, the Committee will receive nominations for a new member to fill the remainder of that term.
- There must be a majority of eligible voting( eight) members present for a quorum.
- Any member who accumulates three unexcused absences within 12 consecutive months may be removed from the CCAC by the C-TRAN Board of Directors upon recommendation of the CCAC Chair. For an absence to be considered excused, committee members will contact the C-TRAN staff liaison for CCAC to communicate that they will be absent and the reason why prior to the start of the meeting. C-TRAN staff will track committee member absences and make note of whether or not they are excused. Committee members will receive an attendance warning from C-TRAN staff following two unexcused absences.
- Following a vote by the CCAC, a member of the Committee may be removed by the C-TRAN Board upon the recommendation of the Committee.
- The CCAC shall be composed of no more than 15 members appointed by the C‑TRAN Board of Directors. Membership shall reflect C-TRAN’s service area and strive for broad, inclusive, regional, and diverse representation from membership-based organizations to increase the reach and effectiveness of its purpose. The following list represents groups from which participation should be sought but not limited to:
- CCAC officers shall consist of a Chair and a Vice Chair. The Chair and Vice Chair will be nominated and selected by Committee members.
- The Chair and the Vice Chair shall serve in that capacity for a term of 12 months. Upon completion of the 12-month term, the Committee may again nominate those members currently serving; however, members cannot retain the position of Chair or Vice Chair beyond 24 months (two consecutive terms), unless extended by the Chief Executive Officer due to an emergency. The Chair shall hold office until the first committee meeting in the month ofJanuary each year.
- The Chair or Vice Chair shall preside at all CCAC meetings.
- When the Chair is permanently unable to preside, the CCAC shall select a new Chair for the remainder of the Chair's term.
- The Chair or Vice Chair of the CCAC shall present a quarterly report to the C-TRAN Board of Directors regarding activities and issues addressed by the CCAC.
- CCAC officers must be members. C-TRAN staff representatives are not eligible for Chair or Vice Chair positions and do not have voting rights.
Elections and Voting
The CCAC will receive nominations as needed for new members throughout the year. The C-TRAN Board of Directors will confirm nominations. Officers will be elected annually and take office in January. In the event of an emergency that prevents the CCAC from meeting, the Chief Executive Officer has the authority to extend the current term of CCAC members without an election. -
- The duties of the Chair shall include at a minimum:
- To call the CCAC meeting to order, keep the meeting to its order of business, control discussion in an orderly manner, conclude meeting.
- To be the primary contact with the CCAC staff liaison and assist with the development of meeting agendas.
- To appoint and remove CCAC members, subject to the approval of the CCAC and the C-TRAN Board of Directors.
- To attend and facilitate CCAC meetings, ensuring equal opportunities for participation and communication.
- To appoint subcommittee members based on interest and availability.
- To perform such other duties as the CCAC may determine by consensus.
- The duties of the Vice Chair shall include at a minimum:
- To assume the duties of presiding over the meetings of the CCAC in the absence of the CCAC Chair.
- To assist the CCAC Chair with committee-related activities and projects.
- The duties of the Committee members shall include at a minimum:
- Become familiar with regional and local transportation issues as they pertain to Clark County and C-TRAN.
- Read all materials provided to CCAC prior to each meeting and come prepared to discuss agenda items.
- Encourage a cooperative and respectful spirit between Committee members and the public.
- Attend meetings regularly.
- Review and render decisions brought to the Committee regarding ADA Paratransit eligibility, no-show, and late cancellation appeals.
- The duties of the Chair shall include at a minimum:
The proceedings of the CCAC meetings shall be recorded and maintained. The minutes shall consist primarily of a record of the action taken. Preceding the adoption of the minutes, copies of the proposed minutes will be forwarded to all CCAC members prior to the next regular meeting for their reference and/or correction. At the next regular meeting, the CCAC shall consider the minutes for adoption or necessary corrections. -
The Chair, from time to time, may appoint CCAC members and other interested private citizens and representatives of groups and organizations to serve on special committees. At the time of the appointment of such members, the Chair shall state the objective of the committee and the date upon which a report shall be issued to the CCAC. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees. Recommendations of such committees shall be considered as advisory only. -
Decision-Making Process
Committee decisions will be made by a majority. The process is as follows:
- When an issue is raised by the C-TRAN Board of Directors, a CCAC member,agency staff, or the general public, it is usually referred to agency staff and/or a subcommittee for further investigation.
- When neither Committee members nor C-TRAN staff request the topic/issue be included on the agenda for discussion by the CCAC,no further action is taken.
- When a request is made for further discussion, C-TRAN staff and/or a subcommittee conducts an investigation, discusses approaches, and suggests options (and/or may also make recommendations) to the CCAC.
- The CCAC will discuss options and/or results of staff and/or subcommittee investigation.
- CCAC Chair calls for a vote on the issue.
Public Communications
- Meeting Participation: Citizens are welcome at all CCAC meetings and are encouraged to attend. Recognition of a speaker by the Chair is a prerequisite, and necessary, for an orderly and effective meeting, be the speaker a citizen, Board member, or staff member. Further, it will be expected that all speakers will deliver their comments in a courteous and efficient manner and will speak only to the specific subject under consideration. Anyone making out-of-order comments or acting in an unruly manner shall be subject to removal from the meeting. Use of cellular telephones is prohibited in the CCAC meeting room.
- Subjects not on Current Agenda: Under the agenda item "Public Comment," citizens may address any item they wish to discuss with the Committee. They shall first obtain recognition by the Chair, state their name and address, and the subject of their comments. The Chair shall then allow the comments, subject to a three (3) minute limitation per speaker. All remarks shall be addressed to the Committee as a body and not to any member thereof. The public comment section of the agenda is intended as an intake session only. Questions should not be asked of the CCAC members, and the members should not enter into a discussion with any person addressing the Committee. Following the public comment session, if action is required or has been requested, the Committee will determine the disposition of the issue; information only, place on future agenda, assign to staff, assign to subcommittee, or do not consider.
- Manner of Addressing the Committee (Time Limit): Each person addressing the Committee shall give his/her name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and, unless the Committee grants further time, shall limit his/her remarks to three (3) minutes.
- Personal and Slanderous Remarks: Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks, or who becomes boisterous while addressing the CCAC may be requested to leave the meeting and may be barred from further audience before the Committee during that committee meeting by the Chair or Presiding Officer.
- Written Communications: Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Committee by written communication in regard to any matter concerning CCAC business over which the Committee had control at any time. The written communication may be submitted by direct mail or by addressing the communication to the C-TRAN staff liaison who will distribute copies to the Committee members. The communication will be entered into the record without the necessity of reading as long as sufficient copies are distributed to members of the audience/public.
- Out-of-Order Comments: Any person whose comments have been ruled out of order by the Chair shall immediately cease and refrain from further improper comments. The refusal of an individual to desist from inappropriate, slanderous, or otherwise disruptive remarks after being ruled out of order by the Chair may subject the individual to removal from the committee meeting.
These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public meeting and to give every person an opportunity to be heard.
Code of Ethics
Since it is the C-TRAN Citizens Advisory Committee's role to work closely with C-TRAN staff on policies, plans, and programs, it is not likely many ethical conflicts on the part of Committee members will arise. However, should ethical conflicts appear, this section will govern the appropriate action on the part of the affected Committee member and the Committee.
- Conflicts of Interest: There may be instances where a Committee member has a financial interest in a particular issue before the group, holds a role with another organization that is inconsistent with the member's role on the Committee, or participates in another group with conflicting goals. For instance, a nonprofit organization may be applying for a federal grant for a new van, and the organization has requested the CCAC's support of its application. If a Committee member has any major interest in the organization (such as being an employee), that member should refrain from discussing or voting on the recommendation.
- Use of Influence: In the conduct of business for the CCAC, no Committee member shall use her/his perceived influence for her/his personal benefit or in such a way as to be contrary to the interests of the CCAC or C-TRAN. CCAC members may not identify themselves within the community in any manner that suggests or implies they are speaking on behalf of or as a representative of the CCAC without prior approval from the CCAC and assigned C-TRAN staff.
- Appearance of Impropriety: All members of the CCAC should conduct their official duties with integrity and impartiality and in a manner that avoids even the appearance of impropriety or a conflict of interest. No CCAC member shall, by their conduct or participation in activities, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence the CCAC member, or that the member is affected in the performance of their responsibilities by the kinship, rank, or association with any person.
- Ethical Conflicts and Violations of the Code of Ethics: In cases of a potential ethical conflict, the member should reveal the potential conflict to the group in advance and agree on the most appropriate course of action. As issues of ethical conflicts come up while Committee business is conducted, members should always feel free to discuss any concerns or ask any questions of C-TRAN staff. Any person may initiate a complaint regarding a potential or actual violation of any section of the Code of Ethics, with respect to a CCAC member. The complaint will be based on information, documentation, or evidence of such alleged violation provided in writing to the C-TRAN staff. Upon receipt of this inquiry, C-TRAN staff shall investigate the allegation and determine whether the facts alleged merit referral to the CCAC Chair (or Vice Chair, if appropriate) for further consideration. If a CCAC member is confirmed to have knowingly violated the Ethics Policy in these Bylaws, the Committee may warn the CCAC member or may recommend to the C-TRAN Board of Directors that the Committee member be removed from the Committee if the violation is serious or repeated.
Telephone/Electronic Meetings
In addition to attending meetings regularly as stated in Section VII.C. 4, it is encouraged that each committee member be physically present at each meeting; however, when a member is physically unable to attend a committee meeting, committee members may participate in committee meetings, including executive sessions, by telephone or virtually. All committee members, whether attending the meeting in person, by telephone, or virtually, shall have identical voting rights. Any committee member participating by phone or virtually is encouraged to attend the entire meeting.