In accordance with guidelines provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is C-TRAN’s policy to provide reasonable service modifications when requested by individuals with disabilities. Requests for modifications are considered on a case-by-case basis and can be denied for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of C-TRAN’s service, programs, or activities;
  • Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
  • Granting the request would create an undue financial or administrative burden for C-TRAN; or
  • Without such modification, the individual with a disability is otherwise able to fully use C-TRAN’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.


  • Advanced requests for a reasonable service modification may be made by calling C-TRAN at 360-695-0123 or C-VAN at 360-695-8918.
  • Please specify your request and explain how it helps you use the bus; there is no need to provide details of your disability.
  • You may also make your request at the time of boarding by asking your bus operator for a service modification. Please note that requests made at the time of boarding may not be immediately approved.  C-TRAN is best able to address your requests when they are made in advance.


If your request is not granted and you feel the decision was made in error, you may appeal the decision. This does not mean your request will be granted as a result of the appeal.

Please make your appeal in writing. If needed, arrangements may be made to hear your appeal by other accessible means. In order to fairly evaluate your appeal and investigate your request, please specify the type of request that you made and the reason the request is needed to accommodate your disability, the reason your request was denied, and any and all circumstances pertaining to the accommodation. Appeals may be sent to:

C-TRAN ADA Officer
10600 NE 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682

Once received, you will be contacted to schedule an appeals meeting. You should be prepared to present information and arguments related to the specific reason for the requested accommodation. The Chief Operations Officer will make a decision within 30 days of the receipt of your appeal.

Your right to appeal includes a right to be heard in person and to present additional information and arguments regarding your circumstance. You have the right to be supplied with an interpreter and materials in alternate formats. All appeal decisions will be made by the parties not involved with the initial decision. You will be notified in writing of all hearing dates and findings.

Examples of Reasonable Service Modification Requests

Fixed-Route Barriers

If a fixed-route bus stop is not accessible due to parked cars, snow banks, construction, or other temporary impediments, C-TRAN operators may make a slight modification within feet of the existing stop to allow passengers access. This may include stopping just before or immediately following the regular service stop.

Intermediate Stops

C-TRAN provides the Safe Stop program for customers on fixed-route. After 8:00 p.m., passengers traveling alone can request that their driver stop anywhere along their bus route where safety allows. This program is extended into daylight hours during adverse weather situations, such as snow and ice or other emergencies.

Low Blood Sugar/Medically Necessary Dietary Needs

C-TRAN’s “Dos and Don’ts” stipulate no eating and drinking on C-TRAN buses. However, in the case of a disability (diabetic, hypoglycemic, etc.), a snack may be consumed on the bus as a Reasonable Modification. C-VAN passengers can set up this modification ahead of time by calling 360-695-8918. Fixed-route passengers are asked to make this request directly through their coach operator, as needed.

Grocery Bag Limitations

C-VAN customers may ask for assistance with shopping bags. C-VAN operators will assist customers with four grocery-size bags. The maximum combined allowable weight is 40 pounds.  

C-VAN Guest Rider Eligibility

Individuals with disabilities visiting from out of C-TRAN’s service district may request C-VAN service for 21 non-consecutive days. Documentation of address and disability may be requested.  

Multiple Personal Care Attendants (PCA)

Multiple PCAs may be granted access and ride free of charge. In the case of C-VAN, multiple PCAs must be identified at the time of booking.


In some cases, a person’s disability makes it challenging to insert money into the farebox. C-TRAN operators may assist passengers with disabilities in placing their fares in the farebox, provided they are not asked to retrieve money from personal belongings, such as wallets, purses, or clothing.

Boarding Assistance

C-TRAN operators may assist passengers with disabilities in boarding the bus. They will not, however, perform the duties of a Personal Care Assistant.

Mobility Devices

C-TRAN will accommodate any mobility device that can fit within the available space and maximum weight capacity of the lift/ramp system. If you’re uncertain that your mobility device can be accommodated, please call 360-695-0123 for more information. 


Requests to take medicine aboard a bus or at a transit facility should be granted. Operators are not expected to assist with this function.