- The Clark County Transportation Benefit Area (dba C-TRAN) is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 21st at 11:00 am to obtain feedback on its proposed 2021-2023 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal. The webinar will cover the proposed DBE goal, with a focus on the upcoming $35 million in contracting opportunities for the Mill Plain Bus Rapid Transit Project, provide resources for firms new to working with C-TRAN, and encourage feedback regarding additional efforts that may be made to reduce barriers in contracting. No registration is required. If you have trouble connecting, email procurement@c-tran.org.
- To attend online:
- https://c-tran.my.webex.com/c-tran.my/j.php?MTID=m1f38b7ab19fb5af9ebfb5045ba494f12
- 126 251 9607
- DBE2020
More ways to join
Dial 1262519607@webex.comYou can also dial and enter your meeting number.
+1-510-338-9438 USA TollAccess code: 126 251 9607