Safety and hygiene
All ambulatory riders must be seated when the bus is in motion, and all riders are required to wear a seat belt.
Child restraints are required by law on all Demand Response vehicles. Riders are required to provide a car or booster seat for the child. Operators may assist riders carrying the seat to and from the bus, but the rider is responsible for securing the seat appropriately. Infants and children with disabilities who are not in a wheelchair must be secured in a child restraint. The Washington Child Passenger Restraint Law (RCW 46.61.687) requires the following:
- Children up to age 2 must ride in a rear-facing care seat.
- Buckled into the seat next to the accompanying adult.
- Children ages 2 to 4 must ride in a car seat with a harness (rear or forward-facing).
- Children 4 years and older must ride in a car or booster seat until they are 4’ 9” in height.
Personal hygiene is important for the health and safety of others. Please be considerate of others.
Note: C-VAN may limit, suspend or deny service to riders who disregard C-VAN policies, engage in unsafe or threatening behavior, or whose residence or destination is not safely accessible.
Bodily fluids and open sores and wounds
Riders with disabilities who have health-related open sores, wounds, or other physical issues with the presence of dripping bodily fluids, must ensure proper care is taken to cover the sores/wounds or sanitarily contain the bodily fluids. Leakage or dripping bodily fluids create a biohazard and poses a direct threat to the health and safety of other riders and C-TRAN employees. Because C-VAN is a shared-ride service and is not a medical transportation service, the bus operator is expected to report to dispatch potential biohazard concerns. A rider experiencing the leakage or discharge may not be transported or, in cases where the rider is already on the bus, taken back to their point of origin. In some cases, 911 may be contacted to arrange for emergency medical care.
Inclement weather
C-VAN reserves the right to suspend, modify or cancel service during times of bad weather conditions that may jeopardize the safety of our riders, our staff or our vehicles.
- In severe weather conditions, service may be delayed or canceled.
- Be patient, as telephone lines will be busy, and buses may be delayed. If you do not wish to travel due to weather conditions, please call and cancel your ride as soon as possible. Choosing to cancel your ride due to adverse weather will not result in ride penalties such as a no-show. Don’t forget, you may also cancel your ride using the Ride Reminder system.
- C-VAN may limit or cancel service when road conditions become hazardous. If this happens, we will call to let you know and work with you to reschedule your ride for when conditions improve.
- If your ride is not essential, consider canceling or rescheduling during adverse weather conditions. This reduces the chance for travel related delays or hassles and helps us serve those who need to make essential trips.
- Please listen to the radio, watch television or visit C-TRAN’s Web site at for updates.
Title VI Policy
C-TRAN operates its programs and services without regard to race, creed, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and other applicable laws.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, creed, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Persons who feel they have been subjected to discrimination because of race, color, creed or national origin may file a complaint with C-TRAN. A complaint must be filed in writing within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act. Complaints should be addressed to C-TRAN, Title VI Program, 10600 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver, WA 98682; or can be filled out through our website at For more information, call 360-695-0123.
ADA/Title II
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law enacted in 1990. The ADA is a federal law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities in all areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government programs and services. At C-TRAN, we comply with the ADA requirements for all programs, services, and activities. Persons who feel they have been subjected to discrimination under Title II may file a formal grievance. The grievance must be filed within 60 days of the alleged discriminatory act. Grievances can be mailed to:
C-TRAN ADA Coordinator Julyla Deatherage
10600 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver, WA 98682
Grievances may also be submitted by phone at 360-695-0123 or 800-421-1220 (Washington Relay) or emailed to C-TRAN’s full ADA Grievance Policy can be found here: C-TRAN ADA Grievance Policy.
Service Animal Policy
Under Department of Transportation (DOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations at 49 C.F.R. Section 37.3, “service animal” is defined as “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.” Service animals can travel outside of a carrier, but must be leashed or harnessed except when performing tasks where tethering interferes with the animal’s ability to perform, remain in the owner’s control and not pose a threat to others, remain in a sitting or laying position, and not block the aisle of the vehicle or occupy a seat. In addition, Washington State’s Law Against Discrimination states that any dog or miniature horse that is undergoing training to become a service animal shall be allowed access to places of public accommodation.
C-TRAN may ask the following questions to ensure compliance with service animal requirements: Is the animal a service animal? What work or task has the animal been trained, or is in training, to perform?
Pet/Comfort/Emotional Support Animal Policy
Comfort/emotional Support animals are allowed on C-TRAN but must be in an enclosed pet carrier that fits on the floor in front of you or on your lap. The carrier may not block the aisle of the vehicle or occupy another seat. Comfort/emotional support animals provide comfort to their owners, but have not been trained to perform a specific duty or task.Reasonable Service Modifications
In accordance with guidelines provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is C-TRAN’s policy to provide reasonable service modifications when requested by individuals with disabilities. Requests for modifications are considered on a case-by-case basis and can be denied for one or more of the following reasons:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of C-TRAN’s service, programs, or activities;
- Granting the request could create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
- Granting the request would create an undue financial or administrative burden for C-TRAN; or
- Without such modification, the individual with a disability is otherwise able to fully use C-TRAN’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
- Advanced requests for a reasonable service modification may be made by calling C-TRAN at 360-695-0123 or C-VAN at 360-695-8918.
- Please specify your request and explain how it helps you use the bus; there is no need to provide details of your disability.
- You may also make your request at the time of boarding by asking your bus operator for a service modification. Please note that requests made at the time of boarding may not be immediately approved. C-TRAN is best able to address your requests when they are made in advance.
If your request is not granted and you feel the decision was made in error, you may appeal the decision. This does not mean your request will be granted as a result of the appeal.
Please make your appeal in writing. If needed, arrangements may be made to hear your appeal by other accessible means. In order to fairly evaluate your appeal and investigate your request, please specify the type of request that you made and the reason the request is needed to accommodate your disability, the reason your request was denied, and any and all circumstances pertaining to the accommodation. Appeals may be sent to:
C-TRAN ADA Officer
10600 NE 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682
Once received, you will be contacted to schedule an appeals meeting. You should be prepared to present information and arguments related to the specific reason for the requested accommodation. The Chief Operations Officer will make a decision within 30 days of the receipt of your appeal.
Your right to appeal includes a right to be heard in person and to present additional information and arguments regarding your circumstance. You have the right to be supplied with an interpreter and materials in alternate formats. All appeal decisions will be made by the parties not involved with the initial decision. You will be notified in writing of all hearing dates and findings.
Rider Conduct
C-TRAN’s goal is to provide safe, accessible and reliable service to all riders. To ensure a pleasant trip for all C-VAN riders, traveling companion(s), personal care attendant(s) and service animals are required to follow these rules:
- Follow all C-VAN policies and adhere to C-TRAN’s Unlawful Bus Conduct law found here;
- Valid and correct fare is required for each trip when you board the vehicle.
- Smoking or vaping, consuming non-prescription drugs and drinking alcohol are prohibited in all C-TRAN vehicles and facilities.
- Keep food and drinks in closed containers.
- No disruptive or threatening behavior is allowed. This includes physical or verbal abuse of another rider, vehicle operator or any C-VAN staff. Direct threats of anyone in service to C-VAN will result in immediate service suspension.
- Don’t be so loud that you disturb others or distract the operator from the safe operation of the vehicle. Using personal music or video devices is allowed with headphones as long as the sound is not audible to others.
- Maintain appropriate and reasonable personal hygiene. Soiled clothing or biohazards on clothing, mobility devices or service animals are not allowed and may result in service suspension. If possible, limit perfumes and heavy scents.
- Proper attire, including shirts, shoes or appropriate foot coverings, is required on the vehicle, as applicable.
- While on board the vehicle, C-VAN does not allow items to be hanging or attached to mobility devices that are not part of the operational functionality of the device or are required for medical needs.
- Walkers must be secured for the duration of the trip. Riders may not use the seat of a walker instead of a vehicle seat for transportation purposes.
- For your safety, it is recommended that passengers using three- or four-wheeled scooters transfer to a fixed seat when possible. Scooter-type mobility devices (three- or four-wheeled scooters) are top-heavy, with a high center of gravity that may become unstable during transport, as they are not designed to carry an occupant while being transported on board a vehicle.
- All riders must use seat belts per the C-VAN seat belt policy. Operators will secure mobility devices and fasten seat belts for riders if assistance is requested. Removing your seat belt while the vehicle is in service is not allowed.
- Do not litter or create an unsanitary environment on C-TRAN property.
- Medication(s) and other personal belongings are the responsibility of the rider when riding and departing the C-VAN vehicle. Please ensure you take everything with you when you deboard the bus. Personal items left on board will be sent to C-TRAN Lost and Found and it is the responsibility of the rider to retrieve them. Call Lost and Found at 360-695-0123, option 3, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Riders can bring a limited number of bags. Only four grocery-size bags will be allowed.
- Don’t bring packages that you cannot keep under control during your ride. Transporting items that cannot be secured in a safe manner can be a safety risk and is not allowed. Examples of packages we do not transport include more than 2 pieces of luggage per rider, flammables, uncovered glass or sharp objects and personal items that have the potential to leak or risk spillage, like large bags of bottles and cans.
- Riders may bring a personal 2- or 4-wheeled collapsible cart. The contents must be contained within the cart and items are not to extend beyond the basket of the cart or be tied to the outside of the cart. Riders will be responsible for pushing/pulling their carts and are required to include the cart in their reservation information. Operators will only secure the cart.
- No operating, tampering, damaging or destroying any equipment on board a C-VAN vehicle.
- Enter and exit the vehicle voluntarily. The rider must be able to follow the operator’s instructions. This means the rider should not require an inordinate amount of coaxing or any force.
- Keep arms, legs and head inside the vehicle.
- Do not attempt to move around the vehicle or require supervision from the operator while the vehicle is in motion.
- Do not attempt to exit the vehicle when it stops. This includes at stop signs, lights, in traffic and while picking up or dropping off other riders.
- Refrain from any sexually related remarks and/or behaviors toward other riders, the operator or C-VAN staff.
- Refrain from conduct that demonstrates an intent to defraud or constitutes a theft of service.
- Refrain from intentionally providing false information concerning PCA and/or guest reservations.
- Follow the instructions of the vehicle operator. Failure to follow reasonable directions from the operator may result in service suspension.
Unlawful Bus Conduct
- A person is guilty of unlawful bus conduct if, while on or in a transit vehicle or in or at a transit station, they knowingly:
- Smokes or carries a lighted or smoldering pipe, cigar or cigarette, unless they are smoking in an area designated and authorized by the transit authority;
- Discards litter other than in designated receptacles;
- Dumps or discards, or both, any materials on or at a transit facility including, but not limited to, hazardous sub- stances and automotive fluids;
- Plays any radio, recorder or other sound-producing equipment, unless connected to earphones or an ear receiver that limits the sound to an individual listener. The use of public address systems or music systems that are authorized by a transit agency is permitted. The use of communications devices by transit employees and designated contractors or public safety officers in the line of duty is permitted, as is the use of private communications devices used to summon, notify or communicate with other individuals, such as pagers and cellular phones;
- Spits, expectorates, urinates or defecates, except in appropriate plumbing fixtures in restroom facilities;
- Carries any flammable liquid, explosive, acid or other article or material likely to cause harm to others. Nothing herein prevents a person from carrying a cigarette, cigar, or pipe lighter or carrying a firearm or ammunition in a way that is not otherwise prohibited by law;
- Consumes an alcoholic beverage or is in possession of an open alcoholic beverage container, unless authorized by the transit authority and required permits have been obtained;
- Obstructs or impedes the flow of transit vehicles or rider traffic, hinders or prevents access to transit vehicles or stations, or otherwise unlawfully interferes with the provision or use of public transportation services;
- Unreasonably disturbs others by engaging in loud, raucous, unruly, harmful or harassing behavior;
- Destroys, defaces or otherwise damages property in a transit vehicle or at a transit facility;
- Throws an object in a transit vehicle, at a transit facility, or at any person at a transit facility with intent to do harm;
- Possesses an unissued transfer or fare media, or tenders an unissued transfer or fare media as proof of fare payment;
- Falsely claims to be a transit operator or other transit employee or through words, actions, or the use of clothes, insignia, or equipment resembling department-issued uniforms and equipment, creates a false impression that they are a transit operator or other transit employee;
- Engages in gambling or any game of chance for the winning of money or anything of value;
- Skates or roller skates or in-line skates, or rides in or upon or by any means a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or any similar device. However, a person may walk while carrying skates or a skateboard while on or in a transit vehicle or in or at a transit station if that conduct is not otherwise prohibited by law; or
- Engages in other conduct that is inconsistent with the intended use and purpose of the transit facility, transit station or transit vehicle and refuses to obey the lawful commands of an agent of the transit authority or a peace officer to cease such conduct.
- For the purposes of this section:
- Transit station or transit facility means all rider facilities, structures, stops, shelters, bus zones, properties and rights-of-way of all kinds that are owned, leased, held or used by a transit system for the purpose of providing public transportation services.
- Transit vehicle means any motor vehicle, streetcar, train, trolley vehicle, ferry boat, or any other device, vessel or vehicle that is owned or operated by a transit authority or an entity providing service on behalf of a transit authority that is used for the purpose of carrying riders on a regular schedule.
- Transit authority means a city transit system under RCW 35.58.2721 or Chapter 35.95A RCW, a county transportation authority under Chapter 35.67 RCW, a metropolitan municipal corporation transit system under Chapter 36.57A RCW, an unincorporated transportation benefit area under RCW 36.57.100, a regional transportation authority under Chapter 81.112 RCW, or any special purpose district formed to operate a public transportation system.
- Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.